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Dollars in Aid To The Homeless
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Meals Provided
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How We Help The Homeless
Backpacks For The Street is a boots on the ground organization providing assistance with food, necessities, employment, health care, and housing, among other essential services to those experiencing homelessness, in addition to its live-saving backpacks, 365 days a year.
A lot of people know us because of our backpacks program. But we very much about the solutions.
To that end, we go out into the community and work one on one with people where they are, to find long-term and viable solutions that directly address their specific situation.
There is no cookie cutter solution.
Why one person is homeless may not be why another person is; and what their needs are also unique to them.
We believe in creating solutions that will help a person get to the next step in their journey away from homelessness rather than giving them one or two preset options to try and make their own.
For us — meeting them on their turf, where they are trying to survive and exists — is the only way to start curbing the problem.
This includes assisting immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers, as well as our continued work in the BIPOC, LGBTQ and HIV communities.
Having someone look at you in the eyes and treat you with respect and compassion, and say, “hi, I’m here to help. Let’s work together,” as opposed to being a faceless name in someone’s computer can be (and often is) life changing.
People need hope and to be able to know that they are not alone; somebody cares.
Homelessness is a human issue. So is the solution.

What you have done for me over the years with encouragement and help finding work and housing, not to mention the food and supplies has literally saved my life. No other organization has treated me with the kind of humanity that Jeffrey and his team have done for the last four years. You give me hope.”

Some Of The People We Help

Backpacks For The Street is an all-inclusive organization, providing a safe space for all. Diversity and inclusivity are paramount.
We do not discriminate against employees, volunteers, clients, or anyone seeking assistance regardless of age, gender, gender identity, religion, politics, sexual orientation, ethnicity, citizenship, immigration status, marital status, national origin, race, medical condition, physical or mental disability, or musical tastes.
We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding harassment, discrimination and bullying of any kind, as well as any inappropriate behavior or contact, especially of a sexual nature or verbal abuse.